Contact - Triangle K Ranch

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Handsome Husband and PigLadyhave been married since 2006.
We met 100 years after Handsome Husband's family purchased the land. We are a part of the LocalVore movement and enjoy sharing our hogs, honey and handmade items with our friends and neighbors. Our goal is to become a self-sustaining farm.

We raise our animals in a humane and sustainable manner and enjoy their bounty, whether that is meat, milk, egg or honey. Our cattle, hogs and horses run together most of the day. At bedtime, the cows go to their bedding down spot, the horses come hang out in the stall and the pigs bed down in the hog portion of the barn.

Darren (aka Handsome Husband) works outside the home as an Electrician and is our very handy handyman. His vision is the cornerstone of our venture as he is the cornerstone of our family. Felicia (aka PigLady) is home running the farm and tending the animals, garden and house and works at Bluffton Hospital.
Our 26 year old, Zack (aka Dark Knight), lives in  Columbus. He dreams of being a filmmaker and is a talented artist. His first film is "Large Black Zombie Hogs" which has been completed in GrindHouse B movie style. He and his lovely fiance, Alex, enjoy going to anime conventions. They both are involved in discussion panels about games and anime that they enjoy.
Our 14 year old, LJ (aka Blond Wonder), is going into ninth grade and directs his massive amounts of energy into learning about animals and how machines work. He already considers himself a farmer and has to head out to work each morning and Heaven help his mama if she doesn't have his boots ready! He is interested in science and military history. Last year in school, his social studies teacher said that he knew more about World War II than she.

16383 County Road 75 Kenton, Ohio   

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