Hive - Triangle K Ranch

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Around the Ranch
We will have more information as the weather changes.
We began raising bees from a wild bee tree. It was falling down and we attempted to save it. We brought the section of log with the bee hive up to the house via a bobcat. They seemed to do OK moving. We sat the hive up and watched for most of a year.
We then began to ponder the types of hives we would like to have in our little apiary. First we decided on Top Bar or Kenyon hives. This type requires the bee to make new comb after harvest as we take the honeycomb to be used in lip balm and lotions. Then we were gifted a Langstroth hive. Our neighbor, Gordon, was a master beekeeper and became our mentor. We learned so many wonderful things from Gordon, unfortunately, he passed away a couple of years ago and has been sorely missed. He often said that he didn't know anything about bees, just went with what the bees told him. He said that they have been a bee a lot longer than he had. Such wisdom is rare these days, we always want to make things fit our ideal. Take time and watch the miracle buzzing around before us.

16383 County Road 75 Kenton, Ohio   

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